In this, the final chapter of this five-part story, Shishiou Guy and Shuu have their decisive showdown, Alouette's loyalty comes into doubt, and the Fighting King of Braves, GaoFighGar, is born! ...but in whose hands?
Since this is the last chapter in the story, I've uploaded both a standalone version of Act 5 and an archive containing all five chapters.
Act 5:
RS | MF | MU
Full story:
RS | MF | MU
This was a long time coming, and it was hard work both reading and working with the dirty scans, but it was all worth it. Many thanks to Nanya, who requested that I work on this; had he not, I might never have known of the existence of this comic.
Speaking of the scans, again, if anyone finds a cleaner set, let me know. I had to level the pages pretty heavily to reduce the noise enough to make the pages very readable, and I think it has affected the midtones (shades of grey, as opposed to the white and black) somewhat badly. I still have backups of all the .psd files I used, so redoing the edits with better scans would be child's play.
Also, I know I didn't bother with stitching the double-pages together via redrawing on most of the spreads, but I absolutely had to on page 228-229. I'm surprised it turned out so well, really.
Anyway, 'til next time! -sgc
I'm glad that I could help. :)